New Stuff!

It's a new week, a new month, a new era. An era of actual haircuts. While editing the most recent interview with Marc Paquien, I noticed that my mane was getting a little out of control.

So I made some quick work of the hair and The Cardboard Herald is back in top shape!

To celebrate your role in this new era, you should go check out the BGG Golden Geek Awards and cast your vote, make sure the games and creative people in the industry get properly recognized for their awesome work. 

As I said earlier, I just posted an interview with Marc Paquien, co-designer of Yamatai. This was the first time where I talked with a designer and just felt completely at home with them. In spite of the language barriers and a world between us, I totally just got this dude. He seems like he could be someone in my friend group, just living his life and making some games. I'm super excited for him as 2017 will be pretty amazing. Maybe he can find a way of making his love of Starcraft translate into a new Starcraft board game release... Marc's BGG profile can be found here.

Winners of our contest will be announced soon. In the meantime, work continues to bring new reviews and articles, but honestly I may just instead drown in the glut of amazing new video games coming out this year... Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda, and Mass Effect, here I come!

Interview with Greg Spence of The Broken Token, Scythe Invaders from Afar, and more

Good morning world! As I sit here, coffee in hand, gazing at the boxed up Castles of Burgundy that spelled out my doom last night (Christina was on fire!), I thought I'd share some updates. 

I got a chance to talk with Greg Spence of The Broken Token. It was great to talk with someone who is firmly embedded in this industry, but completely uninvolved in the making of games. Check out the podcast tab for that and other interviews. 

Also up this week is a review of Scythe: Invaders from Afar. I'm trying to do more of these expansion mini-reviews. The format is really fun. Sometimes adding constraints makes it much more challenging yet rewarding to write. Also, did you know that all of our reviews are up on BGG too? 

Speaking of BGG... The Golden Geek award nominations were just posted and a certain podcast wasn't listed. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! A SCANDAL, I TELL YOU! *ahem* sorry... Ha! I'm certain it's only because we started in late 2016. We'll show them. We'll show them all! Seriously though, go vote for your favorite games and podcasts, and congrats to all the nominees. I wouldn't be doing this if I weren't so inspired by such amazing icons. I like to think we are doing something a little different though. 

Last, just some housekeeping stuff. You still have a couple days to tweet #oldgamesnewhomes to @cardboardherald to enter our contest for Boss Monster 1 & 2. We'll also be posting an interview with Marc Paquien, up and coming designer whose first release is the new Days of Wonder game Yamatai. 

Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned. I'm going to try and keep up with more games news and casual blogging as time permits. 

Late January delights - James York, RSS stats, contests, writer requests and more!

First off, new podcast up featuring James York of the Kotoba Rollers and Miners. Check them out. Dude is smart, funny, and applies modern tabletop games in creative and noble ways! Plus he makes some killer music. Check out the Kotoba Rollers and his music label Cheap Beats.

Next, there's this:

Holy crap! This may just be a monthly estimate by squarespace, but I'm damned impressed and grateful for the support the community has given. As I said in the first podcast episode, I want to maintain The Cardboard Herald as transparently as possible. My original goal was 100 subs after a year. Let's try and get this monthly total to maintain 1500+ for the final 3-4 months of 2017. We can do it together! 

Hey, if you are interested in winning some games, follow us on twitter! Also checkout the Facebook page. There are instructions there, and it's the best way of getting content updates.

Screenshot 2017-01-25 12.26.38.png

I normally don't talk too much about upcoming games but who else is excited about this? I'm always super intrigued by Days of Wonder's new games because they are so well refined. Also Bruno Cathala is attached and he is probably my favorite designer. It also looks like it is heavily influenced by Five Tribes, or at least, that general vicinity of gaming. Also the theme looks like a cartoony Legend of the Five Rings. I cannot wait to try Yamatai. 

And a few more things related to goals for the site:
- If you are interested in writing or making reviews for the Cardboard Herald, lets talk! I'd love to host content on a freelance agreement to start. I really believe in the tallent and creativity of people in this hobby, and if you'd like to use us as a platform to get started, I'd love to give you that opportunity. Reach out to me at
- My Scythe review WILL be posted soon, I have a personal goal of completing that by the end of January. Holy crap is that a big game to play and review, but I think it's turning out good. Working title "Of Mechs and Men".
- I'd really like to step up my game. Is there something you'd like out of the podcasts or reviews? What do you like and what do you hate? Your feedback is super-duper important. 

Well, thats it for now. Love you all and talk to you later!