A Whole Mess of Stuff

Happy Wednesday everyone! And boy, is it a crazy Wednesday...

So for some reason, the itunes feed got messed up, and when you search for The Cardboard Herald on iTunes, you get our upcoming review channel and something called Matt and Andrew Vs Society. I honestly have never heard of M&AVS, and have no idea how their RSS got plugged into my feed on itunes connect, especially since I have accessed it since a few days ago, and the feed was working properly yesterday... I've notified iTunes and M&AVS, hopefully I'll have this all resolved soon.

In the meantime, you can still get all of your Cardboard Herald podcast goodness on our podcast tab or stitcher. Speaking of which...

This week are proud to have Squid and Whale on the show, you can find them on youtube and twitter by searching for Squid and Whale Games. They are wonderful new reviewers who have great chemistry, and are just trying to make their way through this weird board game reviewing business.

In other news, there's still time to hop over to @cardboardherald on twitter, follow us, and tweet #oldgamesnewhomes to enter to win my copy of Tokaido and the Crossroads expansion. Good luck!

As mentioned!

Hey all, a few updates as mentioned on the most recent podcast. 

Win my stuff!
Are you participating in the #oldgamesnewhomes contest? Go follow us on twitter then tweet to us with #oldgamesnewhomes, and you'll enter to win my copy of Tokaido and the Crossroads expansion.

Finally done with my 7 Wonders review
It took seemingly forever, but the 7 Wonders review is here. We'll have reviews of each expansion soon.

New Podcast Channel
I'm working on a new channel that will be in addition to our existing interview channel that should be fresh and exciting. Or at least I hope so. Maybe I'm just not good enough to make videos and I got this podcast thing halfway down... We'll see! I'm committed to the deadline of July 1st.

Dice Tower Con
Anyone going to be there? Want to game? Think you'd be a good interview for the show? Let's talk about it. Shoot me an email at cardboardherald@gmail.com.

Fictional Females! 
Cheyenne and Diana of the Fictional Females podcast are more than fellow podcasters, they are my childhood friends! Go check out their site, then listen to episode 32 where I kick back and enjoy some time with 2 of the fun people I know. 

Episode 31 - Jonathan Ying leaves FFG to design and fund Bargain Quest!

This was a fun episode to record, not only was the interview really fun, but the intro had a specific topic that I wanted to discuss. Seriously, check out some online galleries of the best album liner notes, they'll get you pumped to spin the vinyl and CONSUME the music. That's what good rulebooks do for me. Specifically, here is the snipit from Imperial Assault that got me thinking about the comparison:

What are your favorite board game "liner notes"? Send us an email or tweet to us @cardboardherald to let us know.

Anyway, you can find episode 1 with Jonathan Ying on our podcasts tab. We talked about a ton of great stuff, from Wookie Gender Identity to his time at FFG, we covered it. Jonathan recently funded his first independently designed game Bargain Quest! You can find out more about the game by clicking the image below.